At Puddle Lane children’s nursery, the garden is a playful place for children to explore and discover the world around them.
As our Froebelian approach suggests, our practice is influenced by the natural changes of seasonal weather. As autumn changed to winter, more spaces were created to inspire growth, creativity and imagination amongst our babies and toddlers.
The weather forecast
We had great fun playing in all weathers including rainy and icy days to times when it was crisp and sunny. Our children showed interest in sensory play, sharing stories as well as general tinkering with loose parts outdoors. By considering all of our children’s individual curiosities, we began to create experiences they would likely enjoy, building on the resources and environment we had both in and outdoors.
An outdoor nursery often describes itself as childcare that spends the majority of time outside with the indoors only used for drop-offs and pick-ups. Although we do encourage regular outdoor play, there are also inspiring inside spaces for kids to learn through play. Overall, we observe what our children enjoy when deciding on experiences for the season ahead.
Exploration of the natural world
Throughout winter, we have explored various wonders of the natural world. Together we felt the effects of the cold as it turned water into ice blocks. The little ones transformed water into different shaped ice blocks and noticed we could look through it, “like glass.”

Another observation our little ones made was that some plants bloomed with colour, and they pondered why others had not flourished.
We also learned to be adventurous, gathering materials to create our very own construction site, negotiating space and balance as we worked together.
Throughout winter, we listened intently to the different sounds of rain as it battered against our windows or pitter-pattered softly on the ground. It was an extremely enjoyable time.
Looking ahead, we know there is plenty of fun to be had in our ever-extending outdoor play area. Watch this space.

Learn more
It is not often an outdoor nursery opens near you, take the opportunity to find out more about outdoor play at Puddle Lane and explore our areas.
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Arrange your visit to Puddle Lane, the outstanding children’s nursery with an outdoor play area. Contact us today or complete the following short form and we’ll be in touch.