At Puddle Lane Nursery there is a sound understanding of our role in nurturing healthy, strong, and happy children.
Our plentiful choices of nutritious snacks and meals, along with our dedicated eating area for all to come together and chat about different foods and flavours at a relaxed pace, creates an extremely positive dining experience for young children to enjoy.
Our mealtime philosophy
1. Have choices
We provide a variety of healthy, nutritious snacks and meals including breads, cereals, and fruits. By providing choices, young children are empowered to identify their food preferences and eating habits. There is enough food for them to be reassured they have options and can experience new and familiar foods.
Children are settled and relaxed and can chat openly about trying new foods, their likes, and dislikes. Subsequently their independence grows as they increasingly make their own food choices.
2. Be responsible
The pace of mealtimes is relaxed with lots of patience and positive encouragement for children to understand the importance of looking after themself, others and the environment around them.
The lenient timeframe enables the nurturing of responsibility as children can set-up, serve themselves and clear away afterwards, knowing they are fully supported by the staff team.
3. Develop Skills
Children are supported in developing skills naturally by collecting cutlery, serving cereals, and pouring own drinks. The opportunity to learn about personal hygiene occurs as we wash hands before and after eating or drinking.
Overall, the positive mealtime experience will enable children to look forward to mealtimes and develop long-lasting positive associations with good food.
The Mix of Good Food, Friends and Comfort
Our eating area is designed with children in mind, encouraging harmony and peaceful conversation. All look forward to coming together, sitting comfortably, relaxing and making friends. While the focus is food at mealtimes, there is space and time for chats and discussions.