Our precautions

At Puddle Lane Nursery, our priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of children, families and our staff. We have introduced protective measures to ensure our centre is as safe as possible for everyone throughout COVID-19. Our precautions are reviewed regularly as we continue to follow essential guidance from the government in order to reduce the risk of transmission.


Before registering for Puddle Lane Nursery, families will be given virtual visits to the centre. Our video techniques will take you on a journey around our environment. Also, online question and answer sessions with key staff members will be held for new families to feel relaxed and reassured about their child starting their nursery adventure with us.

Extra support available

We are prepared to recommend heightened practical protective measures for individual children who may have a higher clinical risk due to their personal needs.

Specialised training for staff

Our staff induction programme is designed to include extensive training on Infection Prevention and Control. As a result, our entire team will have a sound understanding of their ‘duty of care’ to provide the safest environment possible for children.

Safe environment

Puddle Lane Nursery has two open-plan playrooms with adjoining access. Initially the spaces will be free-flowing with all children being able to enjoy both play areas as one bubble.

As the number of children increases, the set-up may change accordingly.

Prevention of infection

Thorough cleaning procedures will be followed and inspected as part of our overall Infection Prevention and Control Measures.


Puddle Lane Nursery benefits from an internal ventilation system, which helps with the circulation of fresh air. Furthermore, when possible, the windows in playrooms are opened throughout the day to help increase natural ventilation.

All the above will be reviewed on a regular basis in line with national guidance, particularly, where there is movement between levels to ensure compliance with core and additional public health measures.